Nina taught media studies, communications technology, visual arts, and English from 1988 to 2019 in TDSB. Before becoming a teacher, Nina worked in television production for Global TV, CBC, and CTV. She has taught video production as part of the AQ courses provided to Ontario teachers, has worked as an education consultant for REEL Canada, and has taught Ontario teachers media literacy at summer institutes for the University of Toronto. Nina administers a media literacy Instagram account called Mediateachmaven, and contributes to the AML Facebook page.
- Media studies lessons in anthropologist Riane Eisler’s book, Tomorrow’s Children: A Blueprint for Partnership Education in the 21st Century.
- Media literacy resources for TDSB
Speaking/Writing Topics:
Nina can provide consultation, resources, lesson plans, production workshops, and inspiration for anyone interested in developing their media literacy skills. Her experience makes her a good candidate to present to educators, parents, teens, and the general public.
Past Speaking Engagements:
- Media literacy workshops for teacher candidates at OISE and York University
- OSSTF Professional Development Day, Emery Collegiate Institute
- Parent Council Meeting, Ledbury Park Public School (Toronto District School Board)
- Third Age Learning lecture series, Guelph, Ontario