The Bias in Media Bias Charts
On October 13, 2021, two members of the Association for Media Literacy ran a presentation, part of an eight-week series, for Third Age Learning Guelph. The topic of this particular session was Finding Trusted Sources and Evaluating Information.
In this presentation, we shared a few examples of media bias charts. However, the examples we highlighted focused on American news outlets. This was not an oversight; American culture has a huge influence worldwide. In the question and answer period that followed, several audience members asked about where on the spectrum certain Canadian news outlets would be found. A commenter also reinforced the message we mentioned during our talk that these charts themselves aren’t always accurate and can be polarizing. I thought that examining Canadian media bias charts would make a great article for AML – and here it is, in time for the 2021 Media Literacy Week (October 25 – 30) #MediaLitWk.
An initial search for “media bias chart Canada” begins with this article from The Canadian Encyclopedia. The article provides a great overview of general ways that the media can be biased, from selection/omission, to placement, to headline, to word choice and tone. The examples that the article, written by Jon Tattrie in 2019, provided were Canadian – Ontario Premier Doug Ford marching in the York Pride Parade that year, or Justin Trudeau becoming Canada’s Prime Minister in 2015. Tattrie described specific Canadian news outlets like this:
For decades, many newspapersΒ openly leaned left or right (e.g., the left-leaningΒ GlobeΒ and the right-leaningΒ EmpireΒ newspapers). Today, people are more likely to find openly biased reporting on left-leaning websites such asΒ HuffPostΒ orΒ Salon, or the right-leaningΒ Drudge ReportΒ orΒ Rebel News. Some studies have found that theΒ CBC has a left-centre bias. However, that tends to be largely offset by factual reporting that includes multiple perspectives.
Tattrie identified the various corporations that own Canadian newspapers – TorStar controls 80 newspapers. PostMedia Network Canada Corporation controls 140 outlets. The Irving Group controls many radio stations and newspapers in Atlantic Canada. No visual accompanies the placement of any of these outlets along a political spectrum.
An attempt to provide a Canadian-only media bias chart was made by Reddit user “stevland” and posted a year ago. Many of the 28 comments following the post were skeptical of the placement of the Canadian news outlets.
Commenters asked for sources to support the placement on the chart. The creator explained that “all of the data was extrapolated from“. Another user, “Timbit42”, suggested NewGuard [sic],, and AdFontesMedia, recommending that users “submit Canadian sites to all of these and if you think their ratings are wrong, contact them and let them know why so they can improve their quality. Also, check into how they produce their ratings and suggest how they can improve their process.”
On July 4, 2020, Ontario education blogger Doug Peterson wrote on his site wishing for a clearer, Canadian version of the “busy” media bias chart his friend Peter McAsh shared. Andrew Forgrave, past president of ECOO (Educational Computing Organization of Ontario), located a Canadian version on Twitter, but noted the following:
based on the attached tweet and other information surrounding the tweet, I question whether it is based on objective data or whether it actually represents a bias inherent in the poster/artist who created it? Is there bias inherent in the following representation of the bias in Canadian media? There is no attached data or cited source to support this image.
Using different search keywords results in different examples. When I searched “political leanings [name of newspaper]”, I found a Quora response. Quora is “a social question-and-answer website” and under the question “What are some Left-Wing Canadian news sources?”, a respondent named Ken Eckert stated that “For left, Iβd say the CBC; for centrist, maybe The Globe and Mail and CTV; for centre-right, The National Post. For right, Rebel Media, though it isnβt a major source.” He also provided this visual to support his claims.
Another Reddit user, “mr_gemini”, used some very specific and measurable data to place newspapers in certain categories. They based it on which political party the newspaper endorsed.
It is difficult to separate the creator’s opinions from the creation. This should come as no surprise; it fits with the media literacy key concepts that “audiences negotiate meaning” and “media communicate political/social messages”. Some of the “fighting media bias” sites attempt to be as objective as possible by hiring a diverse staff with various political allegiances. How might you place various news outlets? Twitter user @brianweishar challenged his Grade 12 students to assess the credibility and ideology of Canadian news media and place them on the chart themselves. For Media Literacy Week 2021, consider where might you place your friends on this chart and continue to think critically about the media we consume.
I traditionally enjoy my Saturday “National Post” knowing its Right leaning tendencies. If I were to subscribe to a Saturday Newspaper with Slight Left leanings, in an attempt to find balanced factual reporting, what paper news outlet would you recommend ?
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Thank you.
Do you mean Canadian? Probably the Toronto Star. But political spectra are all relative…
It’s ironic CTV is listed as center right while CP24 is center left. CP24 is a subsidiary of CTV and both owned by bell media which is also left biased in most cases as a majority of big tech companies are as well.
The left bias in Canadian media is so blatant that anyone denying it would have to be willfully ignorant.
The Globe and CTV are not left. There is only one major media that has consistently endorsed the Liberals in elections is the Toronto Star.
I think that “The left bias in Canadian media is so blatant,” is a fair criticism.
I see myself as on the centre-left and disagree with the ratings. The N.D.P. and Liberal Parties have gotten more extreme since Harper, and I think that basing the rankings on their support skews the results accordingly. The original creators of the graphics might not have noticed either due to not living here, or being so far on the left, that it seemed negligible to them.
To obnoxiously quote Hanlon’s razor, “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.”
What a joke. Seriously, what a joke. Most of Canadian press is owned by the US, so explain to me how Canadian press is left leaning. Please, look up who owns PostMedia, it ainβt Canadians. Nor is Torstar. So tell me again. Who owns Canadianβs media. It is not Canadians.
Exactly, just said something similar
Toronto star annonced today that they are in talks with Post Media. If they sell, you can expect an editorial swing to the right.
Every major news publication in Canada is right-wing biased, except CBC which is left. There is no unbiased source in Canada. The best unbiased source for Canadians is ironically BBC News.
“There is no unbiased source in Canada. The best unbiased source for Canadians is ironically BBC News.”
There are no unbiased texts. All media are constructions, and all media construct versions of reality. Period.
This isn’t how it’s supposed to be, it’s how it has become.
Reuters is a close as you can get to what media sources shod be.
P.s. these graphs are so wrong. Toronto Sun should be further right and intentionally misleading propaganda. The CBC is far less left than it shows and is far more fact based than most Canadian media.
Perceptions of reality, not reality. There really isnt such a thing as a left wing billionaire, the ideology conflicts with hoarding that kind of money, whether they identify as a liberal, progressive, or lefty. You could be a centrists that occasionally takes left leaning stances on policies but the left is inherently about society working toward equality of opportunity(it wont be reached but its a laudable thing to strive for), and the belief that wealth beyond a certain point is immoral, unethical, and absolutely antithetical to any serious adherence to or faith in the major religions in the United States and Canada. Equality of opportunity has become so much farther out of reach since Neolibral capitalism took over. It’s disheartening because of how absurdly wealth and income inequality have exploded. People like to wax poetic about how capitalism has pulled more people out of poverty than any other economic system in history, the problem is they are completely ignoring that it was FDR implementing Keynesian Capitalism that pulled mass amounts of people out of poverty and saved the United States from the Robber Barons. There was very large government workforce instituted that employed people with jobs that paid a fair wage and provuded benefits. Unemployment insurance was instituted. Social Security pulled massive amounts of the elderly out of poverty so their children didn’t have to care for them. The rich were taxed at 90% marginal tax rate until JFK lowered it to 73%, FDR legalized unions which kept the Rober Barons from continuously relegating people to lives of perpetual poverty. Anti-trust was also enforced which promoted competition, allowed more people to start businesses in industries where competition had previously been constantly sued, intimidated, or priced out(the monopolists would temporarily lower prices to the point of taking a loss to bankrupt their competitors[see Uber for a modern example])of business… anti-trust laws fixed this and in the process turbo charged innovation, created better paying jobs & working conditions, and it was better for consumers… price and quality of products were impacted by competition.
Reagan pulled the United States far right duping working class Americans into believing he was actually working to help them. This unfortunately influenced many nations to follow suit because up to that point the United States had created the largest middle calss in world history and maintained it for decades while becoming the richest country on the planet. Reagan instituted Neolibral capitalism which, in part, resulted in the top marginal tax rate being lowered from 73% to 28%, legalized many things in banking and financial markets that had been illegal for good reason(people could make money while adding zero tangible value to the economy) cutting of social safety net programs, and adding slew of tax loopholes which enabled massive tax avoidance for the rich(sending the United States on it’s path toward massive national debt, which Clinton resolved but was duped into continuing many of Reagan’s policies… this is part of the reason the 2000 election was even close, Clinton did not fight for the working class like he should have and was lulled into believing this new economic model wasnt the recipe for massive wealth inequality it actually was) , and crippled unions, while spending absurd amounts of money enacting coups and destabalizing nations around the world especially Central and South America).
I included all that to make the point that right-wing foundations, media, and information operatives have created an information landscape that would call the policies that built the largest middle class in world history socialist or communist and they get away with it. Many Republicans in the 80s believed the economic advisors Reagan used for policy were supply side extremists who were either stupid or dishonest to present massive tax cuts as a way to increase federal revenue and knew these massive cuts were a mistake. Many Republicans then and of course most Democrat’s would consider the economic policy being proposed in the United States right now as preposterous and very large percentage of them would openly and loudly refer to Trump as a fascist for his actions and rhetoric. The right-wing has perverted discourse in a way that conservatives are always, somehow, victims of the media… which is rich when the left has nothing even approaching the demagoguery of Fox news, Newsmax, or OAN.
These are all misguided. Most of the media in Canada at the moment is left leaning. If you look right now at CTV as an example you will see just from headlines how it’s left. Read the articles and see the interviews and you will see how this is also left leaning. Watch as we closer to a winner in the election you will see how this changes to learn right as we can see this is a likely outcome. Sadly media is sided with the party they will get funding. It’s opinion based news anymore and that has to stop. Leave the opinions to the consumer around the water cooler and the voting booth. Just need the facts that aren’t twisted.
There is a significant mix of apparent bias in Canadian news, and sadly most is left biased. Fortunately though we do have a few centered organizations to choose from. however the idea that all Canadian media is right is absurd. In any real analysis the parent companies such as Qubecor, Bell Globe media et al would be examined, however, the most typical analysis (which in and of itself ignores its own left bias) breaks apart separate publications from the same parent company to amplify the idea that our media is predominantly right wing. For example, listing the Calgary Sun, the Ottawa Sun and the Toronto Sun as 3 separate and distinct sources is disingenuous at best, and flat out mendacious at worst.
Lol yeah right CTV and cp24 are both own by bell and are extremely liberal bias… Also sometimes their new isn’t factual at all…