The Presidential Election Debates Resources

 In Blog, Carol Arcus, Lessons and Ideas, Neil Andersen, Resources, Secondary

Fox News

The October 5 and 12 Mediacy episodes referenced transcribed versions of the debate recordings that might be useful for Secondary Media Literacy, English, Drama, Civics, Journalism and History. Clicking on any of the time codes takes the user to a screen that displays the video and transcript playing in real time.

It is interesting to see the debates in writing and a great opportunity to judge them through another medium.

Does the presidential debate read as chaotic as it sounded?

What might be considered important moments?
Was Chris Wallace debating the President, as has been claimed by some?

Click on the image below to visit the transcribed presidential debate site.

Click on the image below to visit the transcribed vice-presidential debate site.


Here are several additional resources we found during our research for the presidential debate episode: (additional resources we found during our research for the vice-presidential debate episode appear below them)

‘I did as well as I could’: Moderator Chris Wallace talks Trump-Biden debate

‘I guess I’m debating you’: Trump and moderator Chris Wallace clash in raucous debate

Donald Trump’s worst moment of the 1st debate (that you probably missed)

Did Trump display textbook signs of authoritarianism during the debate? Here’s what the experts say

Debate coach: Why this debate went terribly wrong (Badly moderated; poor restraint)

Body language expert breaks down first debate

Daniel Dale fact-checks key moments from first presidential debate

Fact check: Biden did not say β€˜his people’ would burn, loot and kill if he loses the election

Fact-checking the first Trump-Biden presidential debate

β€œActually, the first presidential debate was terrific”.

(This op-ed above argues that it was a great debate because the candidates showed their true selves, and that Biden was the better for it. This argument is a good illustration ofΒ  the β€˜medium is the message’  because it says the issues were irrelevant.)

Good luck, America: Five takeaways from the first presidential debate

Presidential debate: Who won the Trump-Biden clash?

Chaos reigns in ‘messy’ first presidential debate

Presidential debate: How the world’s media reacted

‘The US voter’ was the ‘clear loser’ of the presidential debate

The Children’s Hour

(This centenarian (above) draws attention toβ€”and mournsβ€”the example set for children.)

Here are the words people looked up after the first presidential debate

‘You’re the worst president America has ever had’


Additional resources we found during our research for the vice-presidential debate episode:

Mammy, Jezebel and Sapphire

Kamala Harris Claims Her Power

Kamala Harris’ facial expressions during vice presidential debate go viral

Kamala Harris and her delicate debate dance

Kamala Harris v Mike Pence: Five takeaways from Vice-President debate

Debate coach rates the performances of Kamala Harris, Mike Pence

Kamala Harris’s Debate Fashion Statement Was Subtle by Design

Kamala Harris’ sterling debate was for every woman who’s been talked over by a man

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