Many parents make a particular point of exposing their children to books at an early age and continue to promote a love of reading throughout their childhoods. As popular as tablets and [...]
by Neil Andersen and Diana Maliszewski This is the saga of a song. The melody and lyrics have remained intact, yet its long list of performers and audiences have profoundly changed its experience [...]
The NAMLE Conference was held in Washington DC, June 26 – 28, 2019. The conference provided a rich collection of ideas and resources. Below are some highlights of my experiences. -by Neil [...]
by Neil Andersen In Metaphors We Live By, cognitive linguist George Lakoff explains that most of our language is metaphorical. This is especially true when we are discussing abstract ideas rather [...]
by Michelle Solomon and Neil Andersen (updated 2019) Because the primary function of media is to communicate culture, media literacy is a wonderfully compelling blend of media studies and [...] Canadaland is a Toronto-based podcast created by Jesse Brown, a journalist who is pioneering the next evolution of Canadian journalism by living it. Mr. Brown’s [...]
This is a 3-part lesson: research, discussion/presentation; and creation. Students will research the political implications of a named building, statue or highway, discuss/present their results [...]
These slides (click here) were part of a presentation by AML Director Diana Maliszewski for newly-hired permanent contract teachers in the Toronto District School Board during their Beginning [...]
Recent populist political victories have caused pundits to wonder if public education has failed and democracy is at risk. Some wonder, “How can people who are openly racist, sexist, xenophobic [...]
There is a long-ignored, newly-recognized ‘holy grail’ in technical education and its home can be found in media literacy education. IT has traditionally been a sharing and [...]